Motion is Life

Don’t give up – you’re almost there. You can get back up now instead of staying down. Believe in yourself and make the most of it. We’re right here, standing next to you as we make this journey together. Our top priority is for you to have the best support possible, so you can be pain free, because setbacks are only temporary.

Our Mission

Because it’s about you

Your health is our primary concern. That's why we tap all the knowledge – and passion – driving our company since it was founded in 1929. Quality comes first, which is why our products are made in Germany. We’re constantly working to improve our products even more; to make you feel safe, so you can overcome painful obstacles and become truly free. This is our promise to you, proven by a host of specialists, studies, and tests.


More about Our Mission

Eine junge Frau springt nach oben und möchte einen Volleyball mit ihrer rechten Hand treffen. Sie trägt eine GenuTrain OA Kniebandage von Bauerfeind, welche das Kniegelenk gezielt entlastet und stabilisiert.
Ein Mann steht im Sand in einer Düne. Er trägt eine Orthese von Bauerfeind am rechten Knie, welche das Kniegelenk entlastet und stabilisiert.

Our partners

Making our products just for you

We want you to feel comfortable in your own body. Yes, you’re mobile, even if that doesn’t always go as planned. But we work closely with our medical supply partners so you can have an expert consultation, based on your individual needs. This way, you can get a product with just the right medical support, one that truly helps with your situation.


More about Our Partners

Andrea Limbacher stemmt Gewichte in einem Fitnessstudio. Sie trägt eine Bauerfeind GenuTrain Kniebandage am linken Knie, welche das Knie entlastet, stabilisiert und aktiviert.

Our heroes

Your source of inspiration

Even sports icons fall down, but they get back up again. They discover new goals and reach beyond their previous capabilities. With our help, they find success. Our help is something they can always count on. Let yourself be inspired; for we’re not just at their side, but at your side as well. Everyone should have the chance to overcome pain.


More about our Heroes

Our commitment

Getting there together

Celebrating victories, overcoming defeats, never giving up – that’s not just something we offer you, but athletes worldwide. We support them. 365 days a year. This is why they trust us, even at their most competitive moments, because they know they can count on us.


More about our commitment

Zwei junge Frauen laufen über einen Steg am Ufer entlang. Sie tragen Run Performance Compression Socks von Bauerfeind, welche die Wadenmuskulatur durch gezielte Kompression unterstützen.