Abgebildet ist ein Handwerker in seiner Werkstatt, der sich mit schmerzverzehrtem Gesicht an die Hüfte fasst. Hüftschmerzen sollte man unmittelbar angehen, um chronischen Schmerzen vorzubeugen.

A lot of people suffer from pain in the hip, pelvis, and lumbar region. One-sided and incorrect movements can be causes just as much as age-related wear, accidents, or problems occurring in other areas of the body which then radiate pain into the hip. These symptoms manifest with different levels of intensity from stabbing pain in the lower back and problems getting going in the mornings to situations where walking or climbing the stairs becomes unbearable. Find out here which indications can cause these symptoms and when medical treatment provided by a specialist is required.

How does pain in the hip manifest?

Zu sehen ist eine sitzende Frau, die ihre linke Hand auf den schmerzenden unteren Rücken legt. Erfahre, was bei Schmerzen in der Hüfte zu tun ist.

Pain in the hip is incredibly uncomfortable and can result in restricted movement which affects everyday activities and the well-being of those suffering.


Pain is often felt in the hip region, radiating from the groin or the trochanter, the big bony protrusion on the side at the top of the thigh. However, symptomsoccurring can cover a wide spectrum – those affected may suffer from the following, for example:

  • hip pain when walking
  • hip pain when getting up in the morning
  • increased hip pain during movement or when sitting or standing
  • pain in the lower back
  • pain radiating into the groin
  • pain in the pelvis
  • lumbar pain
  • numbness, tingling, and other abnormal sensations
  • pain between the thigh and lower abdomen
  • feelings of pressure
  • reddening and swelling

What to do in cases of hip pain

Pain in the hip can manifest in many different ways and be acute or ongoing. It may occur gradually or only when the hip is subjected to strain. A precise description of your symptoms makes diagnosis easier for your physician. That is why you should pay close attention to how your pain manifests and how mobile your hip joint continues to be. If pain occurs regularly or it increases, you should consult a physician as quickly as possible.


If no diagnosis and treatment are provided by a physician, the consequences may be severe problems, subsequent damage, and medical conditions, which may make surgery necessary.

How is the problem diagnosed?

The specialist will take a medical history that should give an indication of what kind of pain is occurring, where it is felt, and whether movement has already been restricted. This is followed by a physical examination.This will include, for example, agait inspection. The physician will also check the position of the pelvis in alignment with the spine and other body axes. The physician will also palpate the area of the groin to the outside of the pelvis to exclude inflammation. In addition, a blood panel or imaging technology can be used to make a definitive diagnosis.

Causes of hip pain

Hip pain can have many different causes. But these may include simple triggers that can be treated and resolved easily after thorough examination, medical history, and treatment provided by an orthopedist.


However, because the anatomical structures in and around the hip joint are very complex, they are prone to injuries and medical conditionsosteoarthritis of the hip (also known as coxarthrosis) is particularly common.

Das Bild zeigt eine Ärztin, die den Rücken und die Hüfte ihres Patienten untersucht, um den Schmerzen auf den Grund zu gehen.

Approximately 5% of all Germans are treated for osteoarthritis of the hip at some point in their lives.

University Center for Orthopedics, Trauma & Aesthetic Surgery at Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital, Dresden*

Osteoarthritis of the hip

Osteoarthritis of the hip causes lumbar pain, tense muscles, and restricted movement. It manifests with pain when getting up, when subjected to one-sided strain, as groin pain, pain when resting, limping to compensate, pain when rotating the leg, and increasing stiffness.

Treating osteoarthritis of the hip

A dysfunction of the hip joint very often leads to problems with the entire lumbar, pelvic and hip complex that also needs to be taken into consideration for treatment.


Conservative treatment options include exercise (for example, a specific hip training program) as well as, if required, weight loss and a change in diet. A physician may also prescribe physical therapy, thermo or cryotherapy, anti-inflammatory medication or painkillers as well as injections.

Zu sehen ist die physiotherapeutische Behandlung. Der Therapeut dehnt die Hüfte seiner liegenden Patienten mit dem Ziel, Schmerzen zu lindern.

In addition, orthopedic aids, such as foot orthoses in combination with a hip or back support/orthosis can help reduce pain and increase mobility:

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In cases of hip pain and osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis primarily affects the joint cartilage. When the condition progresses, several structures in a joint, such as the joint capsule, muscles, tendons, and ligaments can become damaged. Furthermore, the close connection of hip, pelvis and lumbar spine requires a range of treatments in the lower torso area. And this is exactly what hip and back products provided by Bauerfeind can help with. Use our supports and orthoses when exercising and actively combat your problems!

Abgebildet ist Basketball-Star, Arthrose-Patient und Bauerfeind-Markenbotschafter Dirk Nowitzki in Halbhocke-Position, mit weißem Hintergrund.

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An app as a personal trainer

Abgebildet sind zwei Smartphones auf denen die Bauerfeind Therapie-App geöffnet ist. Die Bauerfeind Therapie-App ist eine kostenlose App die Übungen gegen Schmerzen bereitstellt.

Have you heard about the Bauerfeind Training App? It helps you with regular workouts using an exercise routine that is precisely adapted to your condition and Bauerfeind product. Please make sure you discuss using the app with your treating physician.


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Portrait von Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Sell, Ärztlicher Direktor Gelenkzentrum Schwarzwald und Arthrose-Experte

The multi-factor approach increases success rates for different manifestations of osteoarthritis.

Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Sell
Medical Director of the Gelenkzentrum Schwarzwald joint center

Other possible triggers of hip pain can include:

Low back pain is felt in the lower back, but it can also radiate into the buttocks or thighs and restrict movement. It is the most common form of back pain, with up to 70 percent of all people suffering from it at least once in their lives.* The difficulty is that the cause of this pain could be either the sacroiliac joints (SI joints) or the lumbar spine.

*Source: Koes BW, van Tulder MW, Thomas S: Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back pain. BMJ 2006;332:1430-4

Inflammations are a common cause of hip pain and often occur in the bursae. These are filled with fluid, forming a cushion between the bones, tendons, and muscles. Inflammation of a bursa can be acute or chronic, caused by bacteria and excessive strain on the joint or the buttock muscles. Pain often occurs on the outside of the hip or thigh, when moving the leg, climbing the stairs, as pain caused by pressure, or pain when resting.

If you suffer from pain on both sides of the hip or when lying down, this may be caused by metabolic disorders. This can include auto-immune disorders, such as rheumatism and gout, but also circulatory disorders related to the metabolism.

Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones gradually become porous, thus breaking more easily. The body is no longer able to develop sufficient bone mass or it is reduced too quickly. A symptom of this condition is pain in the lower back and hip.

Necrosis of the femoral head or bone infarctions in the hip region can also be causes. This condition is triggered by living bone tissue dying caused by impaired blood flow. The bone loses its stability and demineralizes. These problems manifest with gradual lumbar pain, a pulling sensation, or suddenly shooting pain in the groin area.

Treating hip pain conservatively

How hip pain is treated will always depend on the diagnosed condition. Treatment should start early and in close discussion with the treating physician, and initially pursue the following objectives:


  • mobilization and long-term preservation of joint mobility
  • stabilizing and securing the joint
  • reduction of pain
  • reduction of pain medication
  • delay of surgery

Orthopedic supports and orthoses help achieve these treatment goals by providing stabilization during everyday activities as well as during kinesiotherapy. They can be obtained with a prescription as well as over the counter at a medical retailer. Trained staff will provide advice and take accurate measurements so the orthopedic aid will fit comfortably, securely, and remain in position so its ideal effectiveness can be exerted.


Zwei Frauen stehen in einer Turnhalle und treiben Sport. Eine Frau trägt eine SacroLoc Rückenorthese von Bauerfeind. Diese stützt die Beckenregion bei Erkrankungen des Iliosakralgelenks und anderen Störungen des Bewegungsapparates im Beckenbereich.


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