To treat weak veins, movement is essential in addition to compression. But it’s not just a question of how many steps you take by the end of the day. Targeted vein exercises during your daily routine are crucial. Don’t worry: you don’t have to schedule time-intensive sessions for vein exercises or roll out the yoga mat. We will show you how to support and exercise your veins while doing other things – and explain why this is so important.
Vein exercises for your well-being
Your veins perform a minor feat every day: They continuously redirect blood back towards the heart, approximately 7,000 liters per day. While their counterpart, the arteries, are driven by their own strong muscle system as well as the heart, veins do not have their own pump function and the suction effect of the heart is relatively low. Furthermore, the veins – especially leg veins – have to work against the force of gravity. For this feat of strength, they need to be assisted by an additional motor: what are known as vein pumps. This term describes the muscles that contract during the movement of the veins and thus promote venous return. The largest of these vein pumps is the calf muscle pump.
During movement, for example while walking, the continuous contraction and relaxation of the calf muscles exerts pressure on the veins repetitively – like a pump. Not only does this improve the blood flow, the venous valves that ensure blood only flows in one direction are better able to close. This prevents blood from accumulating.

But if you spend a lot of time sitting or standing while you work, this important motor is absent and the function of the veins is impaired. The blood is no longer transported optimally, build-up occurs, the veins are weakened over time – and your legs grow heavy and swollen. Perhaps you are already experiencing initial indications of vein weakness – like the majority of adults – or a different disorder of the venous system has been diagnosed.
With or without a diagnosis: Get active to keep yourself and your legs as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, once the veins have been damaged, they cannot be repaired. But you can prevent a potential condition from becoming even worse – or ideally stop it from occurring in the first place.
Vein exercises for your daily routine
Regular vein exercise is crucial for the health of your legs. But does this require a special trip to the gym? Don’t worry, that’s not necessary: To help you exercise your veins anytime and anywhere, we have developed VenoTraining. This includes simple yet effective exercises that you can integrate easily into your daily routine – on the couch, while sitting in your office or standing at the bus station or in the checkout line at the supermarket. So get started and have fun with your VenoTraining!