Noticeable help, easy to wear
If you suddenly feel piercing pain in your back, it’s not necessarily a herniated disc. Often the cause is simply insufficient training of the torso muscles. But age-related changes to the cartilaginous discs between the vertebra can trigger acute or even chronic back pain.
Here’s where LordoLoc can help. This stabilizing orthosis helps to straighten the lumbar spine with integral anatomically contoured corset stays. By doing so, it alleviates your pain and releases tension. At the same time, the circular enclosure supports the entire torso system. The LordoLoc’s elastic yet pleasantly firm material creates slight resistance during movement and stimulates the stabilizing muscles.
Fit again fast
Several slim, integrated spring steel stays in the back area support the spine if activation of the muscles alone is not sufficient. The orthotist can individually adjust its fit. With the convenient tensioning straps, you can decide for yourself how much stabilization your back needs and re-adjust them at any time while wearing the support.
The soft, thin and lightweight material sits comfortably and firmly against the body, without being particularly noticeable under the clothing. Easy to put on and comfortable to wear, LordoLoc helps your body help itself. Increased activity in your everyday life can support you in rebuilding your weakened torso muscles. After all, particularly in case of back pain: being active is key to good health!