The next generation of full-body measurement technology

The Bodytronic 610 digital measurement system allows precise full-body measurement while requiring little space. The system needs an area of only 1.6 m2. Alongside numerous measurement data, the 3D model generated for the customer is the basis for an accurate choice of sizes and high-quality products. The measuring process is:

  • accurate: manual measurement errors are avoided
  • fast: measurement and generation of the 3D model take place at the same time
  • contact-free: the entire body is measured by projecting infrared patterns


The Bodytronic 610 is a true all-rounder. The successor to the Bodytronic 600 offers the option for carrying out precise and quick full-body measurements without contact: for this, the customer stands on a revolving measurement platform. Its steady rotation excludes the potential for error. On the body part being measured, a projector reproduces patterns that are generated by infrared light beams which are invisible to the human eye and do not present any health risk. These patterns are then captured digitally by a camera. Using the image information, the software calculates a precise 3D cloud diagram of the body part that was measured. Circumference and length measurements form the basis for selecting the perfect size and product. This means that customers benefit from better quality in consultation and product supply.

Optimized measurement and order process

The Bodytronic 610 measurement system is linked to the Bauerfeind online shop, making the entire process easier from the measurement and configuration stages right through to placing the order in just a few minutes, all from the same system. In addition to saving time and money because errors are minimized, contact-free customer treatment is another advantage. This ensures the highest hygiene standards at all times – despite the little space the system requires. The measurement system’s standing surface is only 1.6 m2.