Das Bild zeigt eine Frau die Dehnungsübungen für den Rücken macht.

Actively combat back pain

Back pain can have various causes. In cases of non-specific back pain, an interaction of different factors is usually assumed as the trigger: serious physical strain, an unfavorable posture, and weak muscles can play a role, as well as stress and psychological strain. If there are several causes, it’s not enough to address only one area – what you need is a comprehensive approach. Which is exactly what Bauerfeind’s back therapy provides: it combines several established treatment measures that, together, are designed to strengthen your back and alleviate pain – in the long term.

Combat your back pain – but not without your physician

Speak to your physician about multimodal back therapy and discuss whether, and how, you can integrate the individual modules into your everyday life. To prepare effectively for this talk, and so your physician can get detailed information about your specific problems, we’ve compiled a checklist for you: simply complete it, take it to your consultation, and discuss it with your physician.


The advantages of comprehensive back therapy

As with many aspects of life, the same applies in cases of back pain: variety is key. A comprehensive approach that is based on different elements and can therefore purposefully address the numerous causes of the pain is essential for successful treatment. Please ask your physician whether you can incorporate the therapy components into your current treatment – or ask first before starting Bauerfeind’s back therapy.


In order to get rid of pain and strengthen your back in the long term, we’ve designed the individual modules in such a way that you can easily integrate them into your everyday life so these measures can become habits without hassle. Plus: depending on severity, a support or orthosis will provide you with additional help. And with the Bauerfeind Training App, you’ll receive a personalized training program, specifically for your product – to ensure comprehensive back therapy all in one place.

Bauerfeind’s back therapy ...

  • is based on multimodal back treatment – according to studies, it’s currently the superior option in cases of general back pain.
  • focuses on the comprehensive treatment of back pain.
  • is made up of extensive information and tips relating to a healthy back, our medical supports and orthoses, as well as the Training App.
Portraitfoto von Prof. Dr. Hans-Raimund Casser.

The treatment of back pain requires a comprehensive look both at the physical condition and the psychosocial circumstances of those affected.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Raimund Casser
Medical Director at DRK Pain Center in Mainz, Germany

Anti-pain therapy

When taking pain medication in cases of back pain, several crucial aspects must be borne in mind. Find out more about pain medication and effective alternatives here.


View the module here


Find out how you can incorporate back-friendly activities into your everyday life to strengthen your muscles. You will also learn which sports are gentle on your back and where you can go for professional back training.


View the module here

Relaxation therapy

Physical strain and stress quickly result in tense muscles. Progressive muscle relaxation is a tried-and-tested method that has been proven to relax your back muscles, thus alleviating pain.


View the module here

Mental coaching

Stress doesn’t just strain your mind but also your back under certain circumstances. Find out more about how stress and back pain are related, how you can identify stress during everyday life, and how you can keep your composure.


View the module here

Back Advice

Get clued up for your back! Find out how to relieve your back during everyday activities and prevent back pain. We’re giving you practical tips for an improved quality of life and less back pain.


View the module here

How supports or orthoses can help with your back therapy

As you’ve found out from the individual modules, your back needs a lot of things: increased activity during everyday life, stability, as well as kinesiotherapy, and, in turn, less stress, strain, and pain, as well as the avoidance of incorrect posture. In all this, a support or orthosis can help you, in consultation with your physician. These medical products stabilize and relieve your back, they encourage a healthy posture, can alleviate pain, and help you get active again. They have been designed to be comfortable – not only during training but also during everyday activities.

Which product is suitable for you will depend on your specific situation. Have a look at our range, then seek advice from a physician or medical supply retailer about what you’ve decided.

Get a prescription for support!

Speak to your physician about multimodal back therapy and discuss which support or orthosis as well as which modules are suitable for you. So you can prepare effectively for this talk, we’ve compiled a checklist for you. So, get your prescription, buy a support or orthosis, and start your training!


Download checklist

Start your training with Bauerfeind’s back therapy
Abgebildet sind zwei Smartphones auf denen die Bauerfeind Therapie-App geöffnet ist. Die Bauerfeind Therapie-App ist eine kostenlose App die Übungen gegen Schmerzen bereitstellt.

Stand up for your back: when you use the free Bauerfeind Training App*, you will receive a personalized training program, developed by health experts and individually tailored to your symptoms and the training with your support or orthosis. In addition to a comprehensive selection of exercises, you will also receive useful tips on keeping your back healthy. Make your back therapy complete – get the app and start your individual training program.


Download the app here.


*If you’re already being treated, please consult the staff helping with your therapy on the use of our Training App.


This online advice gives an initial insight into this area of expertise, and suggests selected medical diagnosis and treatment options. Even though the details are scientifically substantiated, we do not claim that all information is complete or that all schools of thought are represented. All contents, in particular those about diagnostics and treatment options (texts, images, graphs, etc.), are understood as non-binding support for the treatment that must be chosen by a physician or specialist. This online advice is no substitute for the necessary personal medical history and its overall assessment by a physician / a professionally trained and qualified specialist, considering ongoing treatment, if applicable.