Es sind zwei Personen beim Winterwandern in den Bergen auf dem Bild zu sehen. Eine dieser Personen trägt die Knieorthese SecuTec Genu von Bauerfeind.

Winter is a special time of year. We can get comfortable at home with hot tea and cookies – or enjoy the cool, fresh air on a winter hike. After all, we shouldn’t neglect exercise in winter. So, don’t let low temperatures put you off from being active outdoors but enjoy the beauty of snow and nature. Whether you’re out and about by yourself, with your friends, or your partner – make winter your season with our tips.Winter is a special time of year. We can get comfortable at home with hot tea and cookies – or enjoy the cool, fresh air on a winter hike. After all, we shouldn’t neglect exercise in winter. So, don’t let low temperatures put you off from being active outdoors but enjoy the beauty of snow and nature. Whether you’re out and about by yourself, with your friends, or your partner – make winter your season with our tips.

What makes winter hiking so attractive?

Exercise is essential for your health. But it’s often neglected in winter. Darkness setting in early and low temperatures tempt us to stay at home, cuddled up in a warm blanket on the couch. We often forget that winter weather also has its attractions – and winter hiking is a great way to be active outdoors even during the cold season.

Winter hiking has many benefits:

  • Your muscles are activated from your shoulders right down to your feet
  • It’s a good workout for your cardiovascular system
  • Moderate exercise adapted to your fitness level strengthens your immune system, thus preventing colds
Auf dem Bild sind zwei Personen beim Winterwandern abgebildet. Eine der Personen trägt die Knieorthese SecuTec Genu von Bauerfeind.

Your whole body is involved in the process. But this outdoor winter activity is also beneficial for the soul. The cool, fresh air and being surrounded by nature can be considered a little time-out from the strains of everyday life. This helps reduce stress and you can refuel. It’ll be all the more fun if you share this experience with good friends or your partner. Nevertheless, winter hiking by yourself can also be of great value so you can organize your thoughts and clear your head.

In order to enjoy the benefits of winter hiking, you neither have to reach your physical limits nor travel into the mountains. Going for a winter walk after work or a little outing in your neighborhood on the weekend can make quite the difference. In order to enjoy the benefits of winter hiking, you neither have to reach your physical limits nor travel into the mountains. Going for a winter walk after work or a little outing in your neighborhood on the weekend can make quite the difference.

Is winter hiking suitable for everyone?

The following applies when hiking in winter: you alone decide the duration and intensity. That means winter hiking has something to offer for everyone, from the couch potato to the ambitious amateur athlete. Especially if you haven’t exercised for a while, it’s a great way back into being active.


But beware: winter hiking may be helpful in preventing health problems as well as in cases of acute conditions. So if you’re worried whether hiking is right for you, speak to a physician to make sure. This may be the case in particular if you have problems with your knees, ankles, or back. Your physician can also recommend a suitable medical product, a support, for example, if you need extra help.

Das Bild zeigt Personen vor einer Wanderhütte. Eine der Personen trägt eine Knieorthese. Die Orthese ist die SecuTec Genu von Bauerfeind.

Hiking in winter: tips for beginners

Frost and mist covering the fields, snow lying peacefully in the forest – winter is a true nature’s treat. However, this season also has certain peculiarities. You should pay attention to these so you can go hiking confidently without having to worry.

When you hear snow crunching under your feet, you’re right in the middle of a winter wonderland. But you must be careful because snow also means a higher risk of slipping. In places frequented by other hikers in particular, the flattened snow can be very slippery. Also remember that there may be a layer of ice below the snow.

Even without snow you must be vigilant. Mud can make unsurfaced forest paths very slippery. When mud freezes, uneven terrain develops, and the forest floor no longer yields as easily. Depending on your surefootedness, there’s a risk of twisting your ankle.

If exercise in cold weather is new to you, your body may have to get used to it first. You may realize that winter hiking is a little more exhausting to begin with than you anticipated. But don’t get discouraged! Simply adjust your speed slightly and give your body time to get used to the unfamiliar exertion.

If you’re thinking of going on a longer journey, preparation is key. When planning your route, ask other hikers for suggestions or gather information at the local tourist office to find out the level of a certain walk. Also remember the cumulative elevation gain. If you’re not sure which route profile suits your fitness level, it’s better to choose an easy one first.


We would also recommend routes where you can stop for a bite to eat in a town, for example, and take a break.

And remember: it gets dark earlier in winter. So allow enough time to reach your destination while it’s still light out.

Suitable hiking equipment

One of the most important items for winter hiking is footwear. It’s worth investing in good quality. Ideally, get advice at a specialist store and try on different models. Hiking boots should provide you with support and have a good profile. If you occasionally have problems with your feet or even a typical misalignment, such as skew foot, high-arched foot, arch decreased foot, or splay foot, orthopedic foot orthoses, like the ErgoPad weightflex Winter Edition, provide important support.


Visit ErgoPad weightflex

Eine Person legt eine Einlage in einen Winterschuh. Die orhtopädische Einlage ist eine ErgoPad weightflex winteredition von Bauerfeind. Die ErgoPad weightflex ist eine Schuheinlage, welche bei Fußfehlstellungen angewendet wird.

When it comes to clothing, opt for the onion principle: wear several layers. Clothing should be able to keep you warm, but not excessively. Movement causes your body to generate heat and sweat. It’s therefore important that the layers of your clothing are breathable. Complement your outfit with a hat or headband, gloves, and a scarf. Also pack sunglasses in case the sun is bright and reflected by the snow.

If you fancy some more equipment, you can opt for gaiters: they cover the lower leg and your footwear, protecting your pants from dirt and damp. If you’re planning on journeying deep into nature, think about what is known as Grödel: Grödel can be compared to small crampons that you secure under your hiking boots. Just like snow chains on your car, they will provide you with additional grip on ice and snow.

You should have plenty to drink in your backpack. Water and unsweetened tea in a flask are ideal. Also remember to pack enough food. Energy bars, nuts, and bananas will quickly refuel you so you can continue full of energy. And if your winter hike takes longer than planned after all, take a head torch just to be safe.


If you’d like to give your upper body a workout too, here’s an additional tip: the sticks you may know from Nordic walking are available with special attachments for snow.

Side note: snow shoe hiking

If your route takes you deep into the snow, ordinary hiking boots won’t be enough. You will sink into the snow and it will take much more energy to keep going. That’s why snow shoes are used when hiking in powdery or deep snow. They are attached to your hiking boots and prevent you from getting stuck in the snow. If your route takes you deep into the snow, ordinary hiking boots won’t be enough. You will sink into the snow and it will take much more energy to keep going. That’s why snow shoes are used when hiking in powdery or deep snow. They are attached to your hiking boots and prevent you from getting stuck in the snow.

Additional support for winter hiking

Das Bild zeigt eine weibliche Person die ihre Knieorthese richtet. Bei der Orthese handelt es sich um die SecuTec Genu von Bauerfeind.

Depending on your physical condition, possible (existing) illnesses, and previous or acute injuries, you may feel unsteady or restricted in your fitness. But that shouldn’t prevent you from pursuing a moderate outdoor activity, such as winter hiking. As mentioned previously, talking to your physician in advance is recommended. Your physician can judge what type of exertion is okay for your joints and in what areas you need support from orthopedic medical aids.