Dieter’s garden is his big passion and a great way to prevent inactivity. When he uses the GenuTrain knee support, his joint pain is a minor issue during gardening. It’s obvious: once you set foot into Dieter’s and his wife Ulli’s garden, you will be absolutely amazed.
Little hidden paths, colorful plants in bloom, several ponds and buzzing insects everywhere make Dieter’s garden something special indeed. A lot of time and effort has gone into this little oasis. Dieter definitely doesn’t want to do without working in the garden, even if this means demanding a lot from his joints and frequently battling knee pain.
Joint strain: knee pain is not uncommon
Sometimes, the tasks at hand require heavy physical labor, such as cutting branches or digging up a large bed while bending over. “It’s really hard work, but it’s part of the deal,” Dieter says. “I can definitely feel my joints in the evening after that.” Mainly his knee but also his elbows are regularly troubling the sporty pensioner. Even seemingly easy work such as weeding subjects the knee joints to a lot of strain. That’s why osteoarthritis of the knee often develops not only in gardeners but also in craftspeople who have to work kneeling down for extended periods.
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Fitness in older age: gardening activities as an alternative to sports
Dieter focusses on the advantages: “Physical work in my garden is beneficial for me, and it’s a substitute for sports: it means I can stay active, even when I don’t have much time.” This pensioner generally ensures that he stays fit with exercise that’s gentle on the joints. “Several times a week, I do Nordic walking and exercise at an outdoor gym,” Dieter reports. When he was younger, he used to exercise quite a lot, which is one of the causes for his knee problems. “The pain is the result of excessive strain. It’s also related to my age, of course – after all, I’m almost 70.” But the pensioner knows: resting the joints altogether is the wrong way forward. After all, being active or carrying out targeted knee exercises ensures that the articular surfaces are ‘lubricated’ with synovial fluid and cartilage is supplied with essential nutrients. This allows the joint to remain mobile, and it strengthens the muscles that support it, thus also alleviating pain.

I often forget I’m wearing the support at all.
Stability for the knee: how a support can help
Nowadays, Dieter mainly has his knee pain under control, thanks to acupuncture treatment. But he still wears his GenuTrain knee support when he’s gardening so nothing is left to chance when his knee is subjected to a lot of strain. “The support stabilizes my knee. I wear the support especially when I know that my knee will be subjected to a lot strain.” Pressure applied by the knee support relieves the kneecap and alleviates pain. “I often forget I’m wearing the support at all because it’s so comfortable,” Dieter says. The GenuTrain’s breathable knitted fabric adapts to the wearer's movements and is pleasant to wear even in higher temperatures.

After working in the garden, Dieter can rest in one of the comfortable sitting areas. “I enjoy having a cool drink while reading a book or solving a puzzle,” he reports. Looking out over his beautiful garden rightly fills him with pride. “Seeing plants grow, thrive and wilt fills me with joy,” he says. “I love the variety and the fact that animals are happy here. A hedgehog recently came to visit, and there are lots of insects.” But Dieter’s garden will never be complete. “I always have new ideas and often replant things. When I sit here in the evenings, I always contemplate what I could change.”