This is how the self-test for osteoarthritis of the knee works


Take a few minutes to answer ten simple questions about your knee pain, your level of activity and your physical characteristics.


Then receive a result that will provide you with an assessment about how likely it is that you are suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee.


Find out more here about symptoms, causes and treatment options for osteoarthritis of the knee. Then – depending on the result – make an appointment with a physician.

Risk factors for osteoarthritis

The likelihood of developing osteoarthritis of the knee increases with age. According to the German association “Deutsche Arthrose Hilfe”, osteoarthritis is more common in women than in men: from the age of 60, about one in two of women are affected by osteoarthritis, and about one in three men. One reason is the decreasing estrogen level in women after menopause: estrogen supports bone health and reduces oxidative stress on cartilage tissue in particular. That is why the risk of joint wear increases. Furthermore, genetic predisposition plays a role.

Another osteoarthritis risk factor is obesity because the knees in particular are weight-bearing joints. The increased strain during every movement promotes the wear of cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber between the bones. Someone who is obese is therefore twice as likely to develop osteoarthritis of the knee as someone with a healthy weight.

Misalignments, such as bandy legs or knock knees, can also lead to increased strain on the joints and additional wear. Similarly, a broken bone, a serious injury or surgery can cause damage to the knee joint that can eventually result in osteoarthritis – sometimes many years later.

Metabolic disorders, such as diabetes or gout, have also been associated with impaired joint cartilage health.

Recognizing osteoarthritis of the knee

The symptoms of osteoarthritis in the knees generally do not occur suddenly but develop gradually and get worse over time. If you increasingly notice dull or piercing pain in one or both knees, it is important to find out as soon as possible what the causes may be. It is helpful to keep a close eye on possible symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee and to record – using notes for example – during which activities they occur and with what intensity.

Initial signs of osteoarthritis are usually represented by pain that occurs particularly during bending and stretching of the knee and during weight-bearing. Frequently, pain increases during activities that subject the joint to strain, such as running or taking the stairs. Pain can occur in the whole knee or only in certain places, such as at the front or the sides – sometimes accompanied by swelling or redness of the knee. Many of those affected also mention start-up pain experienced after long periods of inactivity, for example, extensive sitting or when getting up.

Pain and swollen joints resulting from inflammatory processes also tend to increase gradually over time. In some cases, crunching or cracking can be heard from the affected knee joints. Osteoarthritis of the knee can also lead to the thigh muscles weakening, resulting in an unstable feeling in the joint, and the knee giving out when it is subjected to strain. With progressing cartilage wear, mobility will be more and more restricted. In the worst case scenario, osteoarthritis will lead to stiffness of the knees.

Understanding your symptoms: take our osteoarthritis self-test and get a medical examination

If you have noticed one or several of the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knees described above, we recommend you act quickly. Starting treatment early can help alleviate the condition and delay its progression.

Our osteoarthritis test can help you to better understand your knee pain. We will also provide you with further tips in case you have a high risk of osteoarthritis.

Take the self-test