Auf dem Bild schält sich gerade ein Mann einen Apfel. Dabei sitzt er auf einer Wiese. Er trägt VenoTrain Kompressionsstrümpfe von Bauerfeind.

When it comes to vein health, the right diet also plays an important role, in addition to exercise and compression. You can achieve a lot with your choice of food, especially when suffering from vein problems, such as weak veins or an inflammation of the veins. We will show you why, and which food is good for your veins.

How does your diet influence the venous system?

Your veins constantly pump blood back toward the heart. The thin vascular walls and the venous valves have to do a great deal of work and put up with a lot. In order to do their work properly, they need sufficient nutrients. The following applies as a guideline: something that is generally good for your body is also good for your veins.

A balanced diet rich in nutrients is a crucial component of your vein health.

Das Bild zeigt einen Mann und eine Frau. Die Frau isst gerade einen Apfel während der Mann lacht.

Another advantage of a healthy diet: you feel fitter, full of beans, and energetic – meaning you can enjoy an active life. Exercise is also more fun then, which is a must in cases of weak veins.

Strengthening veins with a healthy diet

The list of food that strengthens veins includes all the health classics: fruit, vegetables, and wholemeal products. They supply the body with crucial vital substances and dietary fibers. Omega-3 fatty acids are also important for the elasticity of the veins. Fish, avocados, linseed, and walnuts provide large quantities of this.


The other important thing to remember is: the more colorful your plate, the better. Since some types of fruit contain a lot of fructose, you should eat more vegetables than fruit. Be curious and try something new every now and then. You can also be creative and sprinkle seeds or grains over your salad, or discover spice mixes to vary your dishes.


A good blood flow also requires sufficient liquid: try to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water or unsweetened tea per day. This will support your venous blood flow – particularly in the summer when it’s hot.

Strengthening your veins: a brief summary of the key tips

  • A balanced diet rich in fiber
  • Whole grain instead of white flour
  • A lot of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Go easy on the fat and sugar
  • Fish, nuts, avocados, and linseed for Omega-3
  • Dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate
  • Small quantities of meat (especially red meat)
  • Hardly any, ideally no alcohol
  • No nicotine!

Be even kinder to yourself!

Auf dem Bild ist eine Person zu sehen, die einen Apfel in der Hand hält.

A healthy diet will do a lot to strengthen your veins. But there’s more you can do: in cases of weak veins, the importance of exercise cannot be underestimated. After all, the leg muscles have a direct impact on the veins, and the calf muscle pump drives the blood flow like a motor. You should therefore try to incorporate as much activity as possible into your everyday life, this includes short sessions of targeted exercise for your leg muscles.

Ein Mann und eine Frau laufen Arm in Arm in einer Berglandschaft über eine Wiese. Beide tragen VenoTrain impuls Kompressionsstrümpfe von Bauerfeind. Diese helfen bei Besenreisern.

To complete the triad of vein health, compression is absolutely indispensable. High-quality medical compression stockings promote venous blood flow and support vein function. This provides relief to the veins, alleviates symptoms, and slows progression of the vein weakness – so don’t hesitate and don’t delay wearing compression stockings until a later stage of the condition. And don’t worry: not only do we offer numerous models for different requirements but also a variety of styles – from subtle stockings for the office and different colors for your favorite outfit all the way to glamorous black for the evening. Whichever stockings you choose: they will provide you with maximum wearing comfort and the best possible support for your veins.


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