Eine junge Frau im blauen Pullover vor einer Holzwand, die in die Kamera blickt.

Winter is coming and with it, cold, dark days. For many of us, this means spending more time at home and less time being active. But this is the time when it’s particularly important to be mindful and listen to your body. On this page, we will explain simple and effective mindfulness exercises that will help you get through the winter being relaxed, healthy, and active. You will also find out how our orthopedic aids as well as compression and sports products can support you in this mission.

How can we
improve your winter?

Would you like to...

relax your back?

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relieve strained legs?

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get support during winter sports?

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Why mindfulness in winter?

Mindfulness teaches us to live in the here and now and to consciously value every moment. It’s also about sensing what is going on in your body and about being more intensely aware of what surrounds us. Each of us has different needs, and faces different challenges every day that must be overcome. Mindfulness can help us recognize negative emotions and possibly physical problems in time, and perhaps even counteract them.

Eine Frau liegt auf dem Rücken und versucht zu entspannen. Sie trägt eine LumboTrain Rückenbandage von Bauerfeind.

During the winter months in particular, when the days are shorter and darker, we tend to feel more stressed and tired. Mindfulness exercises and sport can combat this because they help reduce stress, lift the mood, and strengthen the immune system. By carrying out mindfulness training regularly, you may be able to experience winter as a time of peace, balance, and inner rest.

Effective exercises to combat the winter blues

Das Bild zeigt den Oberkörper und Kopf einer Frau, die auf dem Rücken liegt.

The easiest and most effective mindfulness techniques are breathing exercises which you can do indoors or outdoors. Close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Solely focus on your breathing. Feel how the cool winter air fills your lungs, and let go of all tension when you breathe out. Repeat this exercise for five to ten minutes every day to calm down and recharge your batteries.

You may have tried meditation before. That is another excellent way of practicing mindfulness and finding inner balance. If you notice that breathing exercises are helping you, it may be beneficial for you to delve deeper into meditation.

Eine junge Frau in einer Winterlandschaft beim Wandern.

Winter strolls are the perfect opportunity for mindful walking. So, put on some warm clothes and go outside! Look for a nice route, ideally away from road noise and general busyness. How about a park or the woods? While you’re walking, try to be mindful of each of your leisurely steps. Feel your feet touching the ground and listen to the fresh snow crunching under your boots. Notice the cool air on your skin and really appreciate the sounds of nature. (Leave your smartphone in your pocket while you’re out and about so you won’t get distracted.)

This exercise has been designed to clear your head, distance yourself from the stresses of everyday life, and enjoy the beauty of nature during the winter. Do you prefer a little more action? Then our tips for winter hiking will be perfect for you.

Eine sportliche junge Frau macht Dehnungsübungen im Sitzen auf einem Steg an einem See. Sie trägt die LumboTrain Rückenbandage von Bauerfeind.

Cold temperatures during the winter months can stop us from exercising as much, resulting in tense muscles. This is where yoga or stretches can be beneficial:

why not do a brief yoga routine or some simple stretches in the morning for a mindful and active start to the day. These controlled movements can make a gentle demand on your muscles, ligaments, and tendons, which will improve circulation, promote flexibility, and loosen tensions. Really focus on your body during these exercises and be mindful of every movement.

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro – the internet is full of inspiration and instructions for yoga routines. Alternatively, you can take part in classes in a yoga studio or gym near you where you will receive professional support and guidance. (A lot of people find it easier to stay motivated and stick with it when they’re part of a group.)

If you’re not sure whether yoga is right for you, or you’re suffering from acute or ongoing back or joint pain, speak to your physician. This is also a good idea if you feel that you can no longer cope with constant stress, anxiety, or other psychological strain.

For a mindful and active winter season:
with products from Bauerfeind.

During winter in particular, many people suffer from joint problems or muscle tension, for example in the back because low temperatures can slow down circulation. Furthermore, people tend to exercise less during this season which can reduce flexibility as well as muscle strength and increase the risk of suffering from pain. Psychological factors, such as winter depression, can also increase pain perception.

Our supports can help with joint problems by providing relief, alleviating pain, and offering additional confidence during movement. And when your legs feel tired and heavy after a long day or you suffer from vein problems, our medical compression stockings will provide beneficial support.

Ask your physician or a local medical supply retailer for advice on the use of orthopedic aids and medical compression stockings. For winter sports enthusiasts, we recommend ski socks with compression effect from our Sports range.

Das Bild präsentiert eine junge Frau, die dabei eine LumboTrain Bandage am Rücken trägt, um ihre Rückenschmerzen zu lindern.

LumboTrain straight / waisted

Support for pain reduction and active stabilization

Your physical therapist on-the-go: the LumboTrain straight / waisted surrounds the lower back and relieves the lumbar vertebrae by promoting independent straightening to create better posture. The 4ActivePad exerts a massage effect during movement, which can be beneficial for tense fasciae and muscles. Thanks to the soft abdominal fastening and the breathable Train knitted fabric, the support is comfortable to wear during everyday activities and exercise.


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Frau sitzt auf einer Holztreppe in einem gemütlichen Raum und trägt blaue VenoTrain soft Kompressionsstrümpfe. Sie trägt einen blauen Pullover und wirkt entspannt.

VenoTrain soft

The soft compression stocking for the highest requirements

Wellness for your legs: the fine knitted fabric of the versatile VenoTrain soft has been specially designed to gently massage your skin during movement, stimulate venous blood flow, and alleviate vein problems. The compression stocking’s pleasantly soft material provides maximum wearing comfort in any situation. It is also very durable.


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Person zieht weiße Sports Alpine Compression Socks von Bauerfeind an, während sie auf einer Holzbank in einem Raum mit Holzvertäfelung sitzt. Die Strümpfe bieten eine gezielte Kompression für sportliche Aktivitäten.

Ski Alpine Compression Socks

Ski socks featuring compression and merino wool to ensure increased power and comfort for your next descent

The snow must go on: Ski Alpine Compression Socks increase calf muscle efficiency, thanks to innovative zone compression, thus ensuring more power and endurance on the slopes.* At the same time, pressure is reduced on the shin, instep, ankle, and the sole of the foot in ski boots. A high percentage of merino wool offers excellent wearing comfort and will keep your feet warm and fresh during every descent.


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Self-care and slowing down

In addition to the exercises explained here, there are numerous other ways of incorporating mindfulness into every day: deliberately take the time to stop, turn off your electronic devices, and enjoy moments of silence. Be it a hot cup of tea, a good book, meeting friends, a walk in the fresh air, enjoying some sunshine, or a yoga session – everything that is beneficial for you is allowed and should be appreciated. A hot bath or a massage can also work wonders to relax body and mind.

Allow yourself regular time-outs and experience activities that you enjoy. In this way, you can make sure that you feel good during winter and that you recharge your batteries. Be aware of your body, listen to it, and get help if you need it.

With medical devices and sports products by Bauerfeind, you will feel the power within. Find out for yourself how effective our products are, and fully enjoy winter.

We are Bauerfeind.
We love being active.

We have taken on the mission of using innovative supports, orthoses, compression stockings, and foot orthoses to make leading an active and pain-free life a reality. Bauerfeind’s orthopedic products are characterized by their proven medical effectiveness, exceptional quality, and great wearing comfort based on the perfect fit – whether during exercise or everyday activities.


*Kurz, E., et al.; JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 2018 doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2018.1439355